Ampersand Inspiration Night & Day

Happy Sunday, everyone!  We were caught in a winter wonderland last night–first snow of the season for urban Seattle.  It continued well into the evening and we woke to about 2 1/2 inches.  Already as I write this, though, the mounds atop evergreen bushes and the eucalyptus are liquefying and sliding away in long streaks.

Since it is rare to see snow here, I always have fun heading out and crunching around.  People must have been busy last night and early today, as there was a parade of snowmen large and small up and down the beach!  It was delightful to see. I caught this guy taking in the Puget Sound with wide arms just before my phone battery gave out.

2014-02-09 10.15.17

We continued on to a favorite coffeeshop that opened this summer on the beach, and it’s name is Ampersand!  They make a delicious assortment of baked goods, sandwiches, soups, and coffee, a special Hawaiian blend from Seven Roasters here in Seattle. Their egg, cheese, and bacon (or house-cured ham) on a homemade biscuit is one of the best breakfast sandwiches I’ve had anywhere.  They have those flakey, buttery biscuits down!  If you live in the Seattle area, or are visiting from afar, be sure to come down to the beach and check them out!

Well, speaking of checking things out, shall we move on to my latest creations inspired by the current challenge at CASology?


I have been busy this week being inspired by the challenge!  My partner and I have had fun coming up with all kinds of “and” sayings and ideas for cards.

Here are few that made it into my sketch book with corresponding graphic ideas but didn’t make it into card form just yet!

The long and short of it…
Sturm und Drang (Storm and Stress): accompanied by books on a shelf from this awesome set!


or this set that I own:

Time and again: accompanied by my Deep Red Stamps Roman clock face
Over and Out: with a walkie talkie!
Sweet and Sour: perfect for Valentines with some gummy worms, or Sour Patch Kids!
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes!
Sick and Tired
–with some get well stamps from Lawn Fawn or Paper Smooches sets
Reverse Confetti’s Set: Go Together


And since it is Seattle, Cats & Dogs!

Ah, if there were only world enough AND time to make each one of these ideas manifest!

I guess you could say I have been thinking night and day on the subject!

2014-02-07 13.21.09

2014-02-07 13.20.32

2014-02-07 13.19.47

2014-02-07 13.20.04

I have been working really hard to come up with very clean and simple designs.  So the challenge has been a good one for me to experiment with white space, negative space, bold colors, and graphic-forward designs.  I have found the Lawn Fawn Milo’s Alphabet and Mama Elephant alphabet dies to be perfect for the look I am intending.

Check out my following post for more music and arts inspired AND creations….

And now I will leave you with a lovely little accompaniment for Valentine’s Day, Cole Porter’s “Night and Day”…

5 thoughts on “Ampersand Inspiration Night & Day

  1. Wow so intriguing the night and day you and we, so great!!! I sure hope you are able to come to a get together for PNW crafters (AMY T) some time!!! Mostly we sit and talk and get to know one another, but I do get some crafting done!!

    Thanks for joining us at CASology this week!

    1. Thanks, Amy! How was Saturday?? I was thinking of you all! We took the Jeep out on a trial run Sunday. Made it to Ballard and back!! Hope you had a great weekend. I will be at the get together next time for sure!!

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