Boomboxes and Badlands

This is my second post today: see the first here!

I am loving my new Deep Red Stamps!  I have been working on some sketches for these vintage images and am really excited to create with them.  I stumbled upon the company a few months back and my collection has been steadily growing.  I am featuring one of my two music themed cards here for the current CASology challenge!

First, though, I must share a picture of my very own boombox circa 1989…

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This is NOT how you should do your homework!

I {Heart} Drum & Bass

2014-02-07 13.12.08

In my early years of college and club days, I had danced to Moby’s debut hits “Next is the E” and “I Feel It”.  Then in 1999, after the release of his Play album, which will forever be associated with my trek cross-country on the Green Tortoise bus, I saw him live.  My friend, also a musician, went backstage to meet Moby, and subsequently presented me with this signed poster!

To this day, Play remains one of my favorite albums, and conjures welcome memories of rolling into the Badlands of South Dakota at sunrise as “Find My Baby” streamed through the bus.   Moby’s music is not categorized as drum and bass, but I liked the image as a background!

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2014-02-07 13.13.12

Love my new set of valentine’s My Mind’s Eye washi!

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And how is this landscape for inspiring?  10 years after my initial visit, we stopped at the Badlands on another cross-country trek.  This awe-inspiring place should really be on everyone’s travel bucket list!

A photo of me, that little orange speck, in the Badlands, SD, 2009. One of my favorite places on earth.

4 thoughts on “Boomboxes and Badlands

    1. I know– the album never gets old! I recently heard some of his new album Innocents, and it really harkened back to Play. The new album also includes two of my favorite artists, Damien Jurado (from Seattle) and Mark Lanegan. Damien Jurado’s new album is amazing– non-stop listening. I plan to write about it soon. xo

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