Soft as Falling Snow

One of my favorite paper collections released in 2014 is Webster’s Pages “All that Glitters.”  Every single sheet is hoard-worthy, and despite the plethora of Christmas and New Years patterns, I didn’t cut into one piece for any holiday cards.  While I am not a scrapbooker, the paper featured in my card, A New Year, is truly best suited for a layout, and I’ve some visions of piece that would cluster the visual interest in the right center portion of the paper so as to allow the background to shine through; really I could look at this paper all day. It reminds me of a snowshoeing trip we took a few years ago when Blewett Pass was covered with crisp, powdery, diamond snow and we headed into the back country under a brilliant blue sky, gaining some elevation until we crested a small summit and marveled at the view.  I just sat there in that snow and sun taking it all in; it was one of the best PNW moments I’ve experienced.  And this paper really recalls the feeling of that moment. us2281d_anewyear_websters_pages_glitters

It was with that in mind, and the delicate hues of Card Concept’s challenge photo that I put together a card soft as falling snow, as cozy as the scarf in Curtain Call’s photo.  Since Mojo Monday’s layout is also echoed in my card, I’m sending this their way as well.

soft scarf26-One Year Celebrationzmojo380

2015-01-16 13.57.09

The Card Concept features cards with different styles, so mine is pretty typical of the layered, freestyle collage work I create.  I began with my little deer and Crate Paper’s Notes and Things tag, both horde-worthy, since you cannot find either anywhere!  I bought three packages of white, brown, green and orange deer, but the white are my favorite, and I am being very selective with how I use them! I also scattered some Melissa Frances vintage snow across the top of the card, which didn’t show up in the photo’s below. 2015-01-16 14.04.10 From there, I played around with layering, using vellum to keep the soft feel of the scene. 2015-01-16 14.03.19 2015-01-16 11.58.05 I wanted to use the entire paper for the card as opposed to affixing it to a base; so the back is the top of the paper, a gorgeous blue-grey with bokeh snow. 2015-01-16 12.04.54 You will notice the back is about a half-inch longer than the front, as I wanted the pink floral to peek through.  Since the inside strip includes the barcode and company information, I covered with a piece of fabric washi, that isn’t quite opaque enough to hide that information!  So it will likely be replaced with another teal washi. My background staging paper is also from the Webster’s Pages collection. 2015-01-16 12.08.24

If this scene doesn’t make you want to say hello to a New Year, I don’t know what would!   I hope the first two weeks of 2015 have found you well and able to carve out some creative time, or opportunities to wonder and wander in a snow-covered field. Happy Winter!

8 thoughts on “Soft as Falling Snow

  1. Kate, I always enjoy visiting…you always put together your cards with so much thought and detail. This one is so pretty, love that sweet deer! Everything is simply perfect. Hope you guys are staying warm and dry…it’s been literally stormy all day up here.

  2. Love your images, miss stopping by.. I am so neglectful, shame on me, I miss alot!!!! Always visions of sugarplums when I stop over at your studio blog!!!!

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