Let’s Celebrate!

Happy New Year! 

Let’s celebrate my return to this site, for one thing!!

Now, how has the first week of 2015 found you?

I’m behind the times, so that isn’t anything new!  I’m not one to make resolutions, but I do like the feeling of possibility that a new year presents, so I am looking forward to working toward some business and creative goals as I venture into 2015.  Given the rate at which I’ve been moving since holidays, I will happily take the rest of the month as my clean slate on which to begin plotting out my next bold moves.  As U2 says, “Nothing changes on New Year’s Day,” right?

And while Pinned & Penned may have been in hibernation mode for a bit, I have been squirreling away quite a few cards created over the last month.  All of my edited photos have been uploaded, so be on the lookout for some portfolio features, as I am not sure I will get to blogging about each piece.

Over the previous weeks, I have been drawn to a palette of mint, pastel pink, and gold, with my eye turned toward an aesthetic of the mid-50’s and early 60’s which incorporates these colors.  You can see some of the inspiring images on my Pinterest board.

I am completely in love with Paper Source’s Mint, Antique Gold, and Blush colored cardstock, as well as MFT’s Insulation Pink.

My card below was partially inspired by the recent challenge over at Fusion, which is celebrating a first birthday!  So let’s celebrate 2015 and a year’s worth of inspiration thanks to Fusion!

Here is their photo and sketch:

First Birthday

And my card!

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2015-01-09 13.34.37

I love the corrugated silver paper; it reminds me of a stage curtain in an auditorium or a gymnasium where a holiday dance might have been held! It’s a bit difficult to tell from the photos, but the large sequin is a very light mint color, echoing the mint washi at the bottom.

2015-01-09 13.35.12

My card features stamps by Neat and Tangled and PTI.  I love this starburst and have a few other cards drafted and completed making use of it.  I masked the center of the starburst before stamping my clock face and embossing with gold.  The numbers were cut from silver vellum for subtlety.

The antique gold tissue paper tucked at the side reminded me of a crinoline.  I echo the color on the inside with a strip of washi.

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Here’s my trio of cards I made together; the other two I will feature on a portfolio page with a bit about technique.

2015-01-09 14.22.11

I just discovered a new challenge over at AAA Cards, and since their current call is for cards with gold (what card didn’t I make this season without gold?), I am sending this card their way as well!  New year, new places to play, new people to meet–I think it’s going to be magic!


Before I close, I want to thank everyone who visited my site, commented, and became a crafty friend in 2014.  While I started my paper crafting journey a couple years ago, my work and online presence really didn’t take hold until last winter, so this is kind of an anniversary for me as well!  I’ve met some wonderful, inspiring people from around the world and stateside; lucky for me, I have some very talented ladies here in Seattle with whom I gather frequently.  All in all, 2014 was an excellent start to my new creative journey into the paper arts.  Thanks to everyone who joined in and encouraged and inspired me along the way!

I am looking forward to meeting, or reconnecting with you in 2015!

As one of my students wrote on my white board, “Happy New Year– Make it Count!”

7 thoughts on “Let’s Celebrate!

  1. Love, love, love your cards! The subtle layering on your new year’s card is fabulous! Thanks so much for playing with us at Fusion.

    1. Darnell!!!! Happy New Year! I’ve been thinking about you lately and need to get over to your site, as i think you have some cool things going on, like challenge partnerships– I took a bit of a hiatus over holidays and now back to work and am so busy catching up with professional stuff! Thank you for coming by and commenting!! Xo

Thank you for your comments; they make my day!